
Tag: Transportation Security Administration

Impact & Regulations, Travel & Public Transit

Could TSA do temperature checks at airports?

May 15, 2020

Via: Politico

With airlines and the White House pushing for the agency to start conducting passenger temperature screenings, there are concerns on the Hill that it may not have the legal authority, our team scooped Thursday. A House Homeland Security aide told […]

Impact & Regulations

Airports hit by rising TSA staffing shortages

January 15, 2019

Via: Politico

— Day 25 of the shutdown. Closed TSA lanes clogged security lines, bogging down multiple airports over the weekend and into Monday, as the number of unscheduled absences by TSA agents asked to work without pay continues to rise. — […]

Impact & Regulations, Travel & Public Transit

Laptops, Other Electronics Banned On Some Flights To And From U.S.

March 21, 2017

Via: The Huffington Post

The United States and United Kingdom have banned laptops, tablets and other electronic devices in the cabins of some flights from airlines operating in parts of North Africa and the Middle East. The U.S. ban, which affects devices larger than a […]